At Baalmaitra, we conduct workshops and trainings that are need based programmes to suite specific requirements of the individuals, organisations, industries, educational and social institutions.The main purpose of these interventions is to help people get insights about finding practical solutions to their emotional difficulties, trauma, or blockages so that they regain their optimal level of functioning and fulfill their desired potential.
Self Awareness

The Self-Awareness course at Baalmaitra covers the two dimensions of awareness, outside as well as inside the individual.
From the outside perspective, it provides the insights of the people around us, how they are, how are their perceptions and how are their belief systems. The course helps us to understand people, their behaviour, and their mistakes.
From the inside perspective, the course guides individuals to look within. It enlightens about thoughts and how thoughts can prove to be helpful/harmful. It leads us to become aware and accept oneself exactly as we are. It helps us become aware of the real self rather than portraying the ‘ideal’ self. The course empowers to understand and accept ourselves with introspection.
Team Building

We humans, being social must exist and work in collaboration with others. At Baalmaitra, we fulfil the objective of Team Building by encouraging individuals to be able to work together in groups and perform as a cohesive unit. With this learning, individuals can then start leveraging each other’s strengths and cover up for their weaknesses thereby achieve individual as well as organization goals.
We conduct various group activities which provide experiential learning that can be useful in developing relations between individuals. Defining of roles within Teams then becomes easy and facilitates enhanced collaboration.
Various aspects of Team Building are also covered such as generating ideas collectively, building a common consensus, resolving conflicts, analysing, negotiating, and maintaining an open and flexible mind.
Goal Setting

To achieve something in life one must certainly know what needs to be achieved and how it can be done. At Baalmaitra, we train individuals and organizations to define what they intend to achieve and help them build a plan on how to achieve it.Through apt theoretical understanding and practical recommendations, we train individuals and teams on how to set goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound).
Besides understanding the conscious process of Goal Setting, participants also benefit by becoming motivated, effective, and efficient on a personal and professional level.
We also guide individuals on how to align their goals with those around them (family and organization) so that the goals can be achieved in tandem without much friction.
Mental Well-Being

The health of an individual is not only defined by the fitness of the physical form but is equally or more dependent on the mental state. At Baalmaitra, we help people understand what Mental well-being is and how it is different than just the absence of mental disorder.
We clarify the impact of past experiences, attitudes, and perceptions on mental well-being and its dependence on various psychological factors.
We cover the key aspects of mental well-being from a cognitive, judgemental, and emotions/feelings perspective and help find the all-important answers to crucial questions such as how we think and feel about our life and can we ever ‘feel’ satisfied?
We help identify the various components that correlate to Mental well-being and provide participants with improvisation techniques and tools that empower the individuals to achieve true mental well-being.
Positive and Healthy Parenting

Parenting can be termed as one of the most important roles in the life of an individual. At Baalmaitra, we emphasise on positive, healthy, and rational parenting.Through our experiences and various case studies we provide insights about developing strong, fully committed relationship and bonding between a parent and child. It helps parents understand the ‘real’ needs of a child and facilitates in guiding their children to be self-disciplined.
With practical solutions and inputs on how to discuss the genuine problems for a positive and healthy parenting, we help to develop a parenting style that is flexible, adaptable, and willing to adjust as per the appropriate age of the child and the needs of the hour.
Sexuality Education for Adolescents

There is a huge impact on the sexuality in adolescents today due to the tech boom, advancement, and everything that is so easily available on the internet. At Baalmaitra, we make people aware about the possible dangers and probable risks in the lives of adolescents.
We emphasize on the physical, emotional, hormonal changes observed in adolescents and how social pressure, peer pressure and choosing a right career also adds up to the challenges in the lives of adolescents.
We bring to light the heightened level of curiosity in adolescents, their doubts, misconceptions, anxieties, and reputations which they feel are for a lifetime and that there is no coming back on it.We guide parents on how to create an environment for adolescents where they can be open, talk and ask. We help them define the do’s and don’ts and how adolescents can be allowed to choose them.
We also provide practical knowhow on the physiological and hygiene aspects that adolescents must be aware of. This addresses the other important aspects pertaining to adolescents:
- Focusing on personality
- Concept of beauty
- Relationship
- Love
- Role of media
- Abuse
- Addiction
- Equality for women
- Being a responsible citizen for a better future
Child Abuse Awareness Program

Every now and then we come across news about child abuse and how it can leave a deep impact on the life of the suffering child. At Baalmaitra, we explain what child abuse (can happen to a boy or a girl) is and why it is needed to be understood by everyone.
We guide on how children can be taught to use their senses and be sensitive. We provide inputs on how to make the child aware of the important sense of touch. We help the child to differentiate between pleasure and pain and how to identify and differentiate between intensions.
We appropriately highlight various facts and probable reasons as to why children get fearful, frightened, worried, horrified by instances of abuse:
- Lifetime trauma.
- May get blackmailed if they speak up.
- They ‘tolerate’ bad touches.
- Can happen ‘online’ through mails, pictures, or videos.
- Parents not aware, not around all the time …cannot be …
We train parents on how to empower children by teaching what to do, what to say and how to handle the situation of child abuse that can save them from emotional and mental derailment and can also avoid the suffering of the whole family.
Emotional Management

Right expression of emotions is the true essence of life. But are we really trained at doing so? At Baalmaitra, we educate on what is emotional management and do we all go through a roller coaster ride of emotions.
We help everyone with the key to identify and become aware of our emotions and thoughts behind them. We elaborate that joy, happiness, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness is a part of emotional management.
We cover how we can be insightful about intensity, frequency, and duration of our emotions and how to increase positive healthy emotions and decrease the negative emotions that can drain us.
We provide practical and simple solutions with tools and techniques to implement emotional management along with scientific and psychotherapeutic ways to deal with emotions.
We emphasize on an early start to work on our emotional management as it has great impact on the individuals as well as their family’s health and happiness.
Stress Management

Stress is now considered a part of today’s fast paced life. At Baalmaitra, we help participants understand what Stress is and how it can be managed by getting help for ourselves, finding a purpose in life and realizing that mental well-being is of utmost importance.
We clarify whether everyone (baby to elderly) suffers from stress, is stress unavoidable or is it inevitable and does our own attitude and personality play a role in stress management.
We train participants on how the severity of stress can be reduced with practical tips on time management, delegation and resource management, and proper planning.